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#OPP Worksite: 

Today on the worksite, we continued shingling both the high and low roofs of the house. During lunch, it began to rain, so we played volleyball at a nearby park and 'twerked' in the rain. At the end of the day, we had made excellent progress on both roofs despite the rain.

Team Granny Worksite:
Today, Team Granny battled through the rain and nearly finished the second piece of the roof. Gutters were cleared, more old roofing was removed, and the team continued to bond over the kitten on our worksite, affectionately known as "Boots." Our carpenter sang with us as we nailed away, and we're looking forward to another successful and productive day tomorrow.

Team Jebbie Worksite:
Today on our worksite, we worked on building up the back section of our roof and nailing down the plywood. We kept the mood light with our silly antics as we worked. And we were accomplishing quite a lot until the rain came down, and we were forced to stop and pack it up for the day.


Tonight's speaker was Erin Hession:

"Tonight I talked about Endurance. I spoke about how no matter how hard things may be, there is always a way to continue on. Even when there might not seem to be an end, we must endure for ourselves, and for God."

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